Saturday, 10 February 2007

let's go through the history

How did the kitten come about? I wrote the first story for my girlfriend Lucy when i had a sick day, to amuse her and also just to see how hard or otherwise it would be to write something. I wanted the books to have a flavour of the mister men books and miffy. The other thing I wanted was to write something that could amuse an adult and also be good for the kiddies.

I drew the original drawing with a normal PC mouse using microsoft paint (that comes with your computer) then I pasted them into powerpoint (you needd to have microsoft office for this, but a little later I found out about open office, which is effectively a free version of the microsoft stuff. This was significant because it meant that I could send anyone with a pc the stories and they'd be able to view them for nothing.

Powerpoint worked really well because you could set up the pages as a slide show and run through by tapping the space bar.

Both lucy and a few friends and work colleagues thought the stories were quite jolly. You can actually download the original 6 powerpoint versions from (sound's professional doesn't it? well it's not - more of which later.)

Lucy liked the stories and so did a few friends and colleagues

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