Saturday, 10 February 2007

The Internet

you've got to be on the web!!!

I know little about the technical side of the internet (even now when I work on the internet) so I didn't know what to do.

However I went on holiday to mexico (won it as a prize - lucky me!) The time difference is big and I don't really get jetlag but lucy does. As such I was waking at 8 in the morning and she was getting up at 2pm. I consoled myself initially by having beer breakfasts and watching premiership football on cable whilst she slept. There was also a PC in the hotel so I started emailing and surfing. Then I saw a spanish language TV commercial for I don't speak spanish but it seemed to be an idiots etch a sketch level internet thingy. I bought the names and (later buying the same for furrylittlekitten - I'll explain why later) and bought the most basic web builder platform. The whole lot cost me less than 50 quid for a couple of year. The website was born. More recently (obviously) I've started this blog which is amazingly easy to do and free. I still wanted to own my domain names though so I'm glade i registered and paid for them.

I have another proper website as well and I do that through which i reckon is a bit cheaper. It's still really easy.

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