Sunday, 17 June 2007

ad campaign results starting to come in...

the results are flooding in - maybe you are reading this because of these ads?


i've just bought some google ads. just as a trial i've spent 30 quid and now in theory i should get people clicking and looking at the main flk website. i will report on how well it's going in a couple of days...

Sunday, 3 June 2007

edits of stories and a new story

i am going to ditch "fluffy little kitten buys cat food" and replace it with stormy kitten or foreign fluffy.

I am going to take the vegetarian gag and the kitten is hungry gag from "buys cat food" and put it into fancy kitten to replace to spotty kittens marylin monroe gag - which is too obscure.

the ditching of "buys cat food" is that it fixes the series at a specific and pretty basic counting age. If you're primarily targetting adults with your books, it doesn't matter if you flit around the age of your reader, but for more general appeal as a kids book I'll focus on emotional, rather than counting style problems...


pretty much everyone I have sent the letter and documents to has said no if I enclosed a stamped addressed envelope. Whilst I'm still trying, the conventional method isn't really working.

i think time to produce them myself!!

in which case i have to do a little editing of the stories and maybe put together one more

two more rejections...

PFD and Eddison Pearson. I suppose the cheery thing to note is that all these letters appear to be the same.