Saturday, 28 April 2007

definitive print costs

To confirm the prices for printing landscape:
Size; 148mm x 210mm (Landscape)
Cover: 4pp printed in full colour one side only on 250gsm with gloss laminated outer.
Extent: 48pp printed in full colour on 150gsm satin
One set of digital proofs
Binding: Saddle stitch
1,000 copies: £1,495.00

there's no VAT on books and there's a flat charge of 25 quid for barcodes.

Saturday, 14 April 2007

self publishing - a print quote

If I can get a good print price on the books, self publishing is a real option. The base rule is that you get about 40% back from retailers of the price you sell fur. I punted the quote out onto the internet and have got one reply - the quote was for A5 portrait (the books are landscape, but I forgot to say) which does effect the price, but I have a base idea, and they're coming back on monday with the exact price. The price when printing 1000 is around .£1.38 per book. Obviously if I start printing loads this'll go right down but it's acceptible.

The price for books that are about A5 in format are around £4.99 it would seem (although there are a lot of half-price and three for two offers)

even at half price (£2.49) that would leave £1.11 profit. there are other costs of sale, obviously...

To do the first 6 books (1000 copies of each) would require a fund of £8,280 (although if they haven't quoted with VAT it could be £9,730. My guess is that a viable business plan would require us to have a fund of £20,000 but would give us stock worth at least £14,940 at a 40% take and a marketing/promotions/distribution budget of over £11,000.

publishing - another rejection...

...I feel like a real author!! this one was from Curtis Brown, who I have to admit I had high hopes for. I'm getting to think that it'll actually be harder to get an agent than to just sell copies of the book. However, I'll send out another letter to someone else.

After this batch of agent things goes out, I have to start thinking properly about a business plan for self publishing... letter and type of submission I make

...I sent out to another 4 agents. Having read the writers and artists yearbook I changed the type of stuff I send out.

The agents get only one kitten story (or in the case below 3, as this is what they specifically asked for in their submission guidlines) and a letter broken into three parts - synopsis of the books, my cv (in terms of what kind of author I wouold be and what skills I have that might help to sell the books) and comments from people who have read the books. I change the letter for each person and I've cleaned up the style and grammar, but the basis format is like the below...

Childrens’ Books Department
Drury House
34-43 Russell St

8th April 2007,



I have enclosed a copy of three of my children’s books, “Fluffy Little Kitten’s Birthday”, “Too Many Kittens” and “Beautiful Kitten.” They are picture books for young children. The stories are simple; Fluffy Little Kitten suffers minor setbacks, which upset him. Luckily his friends and family are there to help him and things work out all right in the end. Hopefully they’ll put a smile on your face.

The three stories I have sent are part of a series of stories that are already written. There are 3 other stories already ready for publishing, and another six in the final stages of production. Each of the stories deals with the minor mishaps that befall Fluffy Little Kitten, and their happy resolution.

I see the Fluffy Little Kitten stories as falling into the same section of the market occupied by the Mister Men books. I can see readers becoming loyal fans of the series – buying each book as it comes out. The potential for merchandising and expansion into other media is considerable.


I am a thirty three year old who has worked on the business side of the publishing industry for 13 years, first at IPC magazines, and then for the last 7 years at Associated Newspapers.

In addition to the quality of the stories I have written I can bring a lot of additional benefits if you choose to represent me. I have a wealth of contacts at every national newspaper and all of the major magazine companies in the UK. I have been dealing with the marketing departments of all the major UK book publishers for almost a decade and can count a number of marketing directors and managers as friends. I know a number of senior marketing figures at major UK book and general retailers. If Fluffy Little Kitten was published I would be able to use these contacts to help promote the books.

I am prepared to work very hard to promote my work and the fact that I’ve spent 13 years selling gives me great experience.

“What People Think About Fluffy Little Kitten”Rather than rely solely on the opinion of my friends and family, I decided to test whether my stories would have a general appeal.

I made the stories available for sale on Ebay. Customers paid me a pound or so and I posted them an electronic copy of the stories. I received over a hundred positive feedback messages and no negative comments at all. I have appended the list of those comments to this letter.

The feedback includes positive messages from New York, Hawaii, Sydney and Iceland, proving the international potential of the stories. They also include plenty of comments that indicated that parents very much enjoyed the books as well as their children.

Notable fans of the Fluffy Little Kitten books include Ruth Liptrott (TV presenter Five/Sky News), Kelly Edgeson-Wright (Marketing director of Hodder) and Keirsten Clark (ex-Curtis Brown and now MD of Paperbooks.)

My guess based on what is essentially a fairly large sample size is that the stories will have a wide appeal.

“What I Would Like From You”

I would very much like to send you the other Fluffy Little Kitten stories so that you could see how the characters and storylines develop. The three I have sent are good examples, but a reader can get a much stronger sense of why the stories can become a success by looking at the whole series.

I am also very happy to come in to see you at any time to discuss the potential for Fluffy Little Kitten.

I can be contacted in the day on 0207 752 8446 or 0771 466 7585 at any time. My email address is but I can also be reached on if I’m not at work.


Robert Bassett

long time, no update - youtube

i've been busy but I have been up to some kitten activity - both with publishing route and self publishing route...

i've thought of something else to do. I'm going to put the new images back onto powerpoint and convert a presentation into a video.

I can drop the PDFs onto the slides (custom size so the images aren't skewed) and then animate them. Sound can be added with a little microphone I bought from PC world for less than a tenner. I just use windows sound editor - it's all a bit lo-fi. I'll try to get it done in the next few days - I have a free sunday!!

I'm going to use a 30 day trial of some software called PPT To Video Scout 1.41 (link below) - hope it's easy!!